Monday, January 27, 2014

In the introduction to the Soul Healing Miracle book on page xiii, Master Sha writes:

"The purpose of life is to serve. I have committed my life this purpose. Service is my life mission. To serve is to make others happier and healthier. My total life mission is to transform the soul, heart, mind and body of humanity and all souls in heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes, and enlighten them or enlighten them further in order to create the universal Love Peace Harmony Universal family. This Universal Family includes all humanity on Mother Earth and all souls in Mother Earth, Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. The ultimate goal of the Universal Family is to reach wan ling rong he, which is universal Oneness."

"The ultimate goal of the Universal Family is to reach wan ling rong he, which is universal Oneness."

Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Master Zoetha Amritam, is honored beyond words to be a Divine Channel and Worldwide Representative of Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha.

She is here on Mother Earth in service to humanity, sharing a profound vision of oneness that she personally experienced 30 years ago. As a Divine Channel, trance-channel, spiritual teacher and healer, she unconditionally offers powerful wisdom, compassion, love and spiritual guidance to all those who come to her. As a trance-channel, she is honored to offer wisdom and guidance from Oceana and the Twenty Four, Guan Yin, Buddha, Osho, Jesus, Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, and other great saints and divine beings. She was formally given the authority by Master Sha to trance-channel his soul to serve his students and humanity.
In Master Sha's book, "Self Healing", page 44 Master Sha says, “Tao oneness practice is a forgiveness practice, which is one of the most important spiritual practices for self-clearing karma in order to transform every aspect of life.

Tao oneness practice is the sacred practice to transform relationships, finances, intelligence, and more, as well as to bring success to every aspect of life.

Tao oneness practice teaches you and humanity that Tao is in your lower abdomen. Forming and growing the Jin Dan is the process to reach Tao.”

– Self Healing, p44